
Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes and Runewords Guide

Diablo 2 is one of the best Action RPG and Hack-and-Slash video games with both Single-player and Multiplayer options. Released by Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo 2 is set in the dark-fantasy-themed world where you unfold the storyline set after the “Diablo” video game events. The player must control a hero from an isometric viewpoint in the game and struggle to fend off the destruction due to Diablo’s Return. There are five different acts available, and each one introduces a series of locations and settings to navigate to battle against enemies. Furthermore, an expansion pack was released on 23 September 2021, titled Diablo II: Resurrected. What is Diablo 2 Resurrected RunesRunes refer to a socket-able item featured in Diablo 2: Resurrected. During the game, the player can insert the Runes into the Socketed things to get some extra magical abilities. In short, Diablo 2 resurrected runes are used to gain additional magical powers, but you have to insert them into the correct socket either.

Note: The type of attribute depends on the socketed item.

Furthermore, it would help to keep in mind that Runes vary because they could be used to build Runewords. Now, if you aren’t familiar with what is Runewords, then here are the answers. D2 Resurrected Runewords refer to a combination of runes that won’t only bestow the benefits of connected runes but also add many powerful attributes to the item because of their mixture.

Horadric Cube Crafting Recipes

• If you don’t know, then let me tell you that Horadric recipes use runes. To start the process, you need to mix an armor piece and a Ral in a cube and return, your helmet will be repaired.

• You can use Ort recipe to repair weapons similar to Horadric Cube Crafting Recipes.

You should keep in mind that the repair may cost you thousands of gold that you have earned after completing challenging tasks or searching for other farming gold methods. Did you know? You can buy Diablo II Gold from different and trustworthy marketplaces to unlock premium content.

Apart from that, another Horadric Cube Crafting recipe is available that uses the Runes as ingredient to make custom items; meanwhile, you can also upgrade the base item from Normal to Exceptional. The expansion pack comes with an option allowing you to upgrade your runes to a higher level using the Horadric Cube and transmute them to three similar gems. Here, it would help if you kept in mind that runes taken from Thul to Cham can only be transmuted using additional gems with the help of Recipe. Furthermore, Runes taken from Dol to Cham can be transmuted by characters (Ladder) only.

Below is a table of available Runes in Diablo II: Resurrected, check them out:

Rune NameRequired levelUpgrade recipe Weapon effect bonus  Armor effect bonus
ElLevel 11 Not Applicable+50 attack rating
+1 light radius
+15 defense
+1 light radius
EldLevel 11x3 El+75% damage to undead
+50 attack rating against undead
15% slower stamina drain
+7% chance to block (shield)
TirLevel 13x3 Eld+2 mana after each kill15% slower stamina drain
+7% chance to block (shield)
NefLevel 13x3 TirKnockback+30 missile defense
EthLevel 15x3 Nef-25% target defense+15% mana regeneration
IthLevel 15x3 Eth+9 maximum damage15% damage taken goes to mana
TalLevel 17x3 Ith+75 poison damage over 5 seconds +30% poison resist (35% for shield)
RalLevel 19x3 TalAdd 5-30 fire damage+30% fire resist
+35% fire resist (shield)
OrtLevel 21x3 RalAdd 1-50 lightning damage+30% lightning resist
+35% lightning resist (shield)
ThulLevel 23x3 OrtAdd 3-14 cold damage (3 seconds)+30% cold resist
+35% cold resist (shield)
AmnLevel 25x3 Thul
Chipped topaz
7% life stolen per hitAttacker takes damage of 14
SolLevel 27x3 Amn
Chipped amethyst
+9 minimum damageDamage reduced by 7
ShaelLevel 29x3 Sol
Chipped sapphire
20% increased attack speed20% faster hit recovery
20% faster block rate (shield)
DolLevel 31x3 Shael
Chipped ruby
Hit causes monster to flee (25%)+7 replenish life
HelNonex3 Dol
Chipped emerald
-20% requirements-15% requirements
IoLevel 35x3 Hel
Chipped diamond
+10 vitality+10 vitality
LumLevel 37x3 Io
Flawed topaz
+10 energy+10 energy
KoLevel 39x3 Lum
Flawed amethyst
+10 dexterity+10 dexterity
FalLevel 41x3 Ko
Flawed sapphire
+10 strength+10 strength
LemLevel 43x3 Fal
Flawed ruby
75% extra gold from monsters50% extra gold from monsters
PulLevel 45x3 Lem
Flawed emerald
+75% damage to demons
+100 attack rating against demons
+30% enhanced defense
UmLevel 47x2 Pul
Flawed diamond
25% chance of open wounds+15 all resistances
+22 all resistances (shield)
MalLevel 49x2 Um
Prevent monster healMagic damage reduced by 7
IstLevel 51x2 Mal
+30% better magic find+25% better magic find
GulLevel 53x2 Ist
+20% bonus to attack rating+5% to maximum poison resist
VexLevel 55x2 Gul
7% mana stolen per hit+5% to maximum fire resist
OhmLevel 57x2 Vex
+50% enhanced damage+5% to maximum cold resist
LoLevel 59x2 Ohm
+20% deadly strike+5% to maximum lightning resist
SurLevel 61x2 Lo
Flawless topaz
Hit blinds target+5% maximum mana
+50 mana (shields)
BerLevel 65x2 Sur
Flawless amethyst
+20% chance of crushing blowDamage reduced by 8%
JahLevel 63x2 Ber
Flawless sapphire
Ignore target's defense+5% maximum life
+50 life (shield)
ChamLevel 67x2 Jah
Flawless ruby
Freeze target +3Cannot be frozen
ZodLevel 69x2 Cham
Flawless emerald
We all know that rune words are powerful items that can really boost a character's abilities and power. Combining the correct runes in the correct order is necessary if you are going to create a Runeword. After all, the order is everything. There are also some rules and exceptions that are not easy. You must first find the correct rune to create the Runeword, then you must find the right weapon, shield or armor that can accept the Runeword. The item must have the exact number of open slots for Runewords to work, and as mentioned, the runes must be placed into the slotted item in the correct order. Runewords can be equipped on any type of character, allowing for tons of build options and different play styles.

Ways to farm diablo 2 resurrected runes

• Secret cow level is a great place to farm for Runes. Just make sure to not kill The Cow King and keep killing the endless waves of Hell Bovines that spawn.
• Travincal has a high drop rate for Runes and is a great place to farm.
• The Countess has always been a top pick for farming Runes by players. She drops between 1-3 Runes.

Below are some available Runewords in Diablo II: Resurrected, check them out:

RunewordsRunewords RunesItem(s)Stat Effects
Ancient’s PledgeRal + Ort + TalShields
3 sockets
+50% enhanced defense
Cold resist +43%
Fire resist +48%
Lightning resist +48%
Poison resist +48%
10% damage taken goes to mana
BeastBer + Tir + Um + Mal + LumAxes, scepters, hammers
5 sockets
Level 9 Fanaticism aura when equipped
+40% increased attack speed
+240-270% enhanced damage (varies)
20% chance of crushing blow
25% chance of open wounds
+3 to Werebear
+3 to Lycanthropy
Prevent monster heal
+25-40 strength (varies)
+10 to energy
+2 to mana after each kill
Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 charges)
BlackThul + Io + NefClubs, hammers, maces
3 sockets
+120% enhanced damage
40% chance of crushing blow
+200 attack rating
Adds 3-14 cold damage (3 seconds)
+10 to vitality
15% increased attack speed
Magic damage reduced by 2
Level 4 Corpse Explosion (12 charges)
BoneSol + Um + UmBody armor
3 sockets
15% chance to cast level 10 Bone Armor when struck
15% chance to cast level 10 Bone Spear on striking
+2 to Necromancer skill levels
+100-150 mana (varies)
All resistances +30
Damage reduced by 7
BrambleRal + Ohm + Sur + EthBody armor
4 sockets
Level 15-21 Thorns aura when equipped (varies)
+50% faster hit Recovery
+25-50% to poison skill damage (varies)
+300 defense
Increase maximum mana 50%
Regenerate mana 15%
+5% maximum cold resist
Fire resist +30%
Poison resist +100%
+13 life after each kill
Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 charges)
BrandJah + Lo + Mal + GulMissile weapons
4 sockets
35% chance to cast level 14 Amplify Damage when struck
100% chance to cast level 18 Bone Spear on striking
+260-340% enhanced damage (varies)
Ignore the target’s defense
20% bonus to attack rating
+280-330% damage to demons (varies)
20% deadly strike
Prevent monster heal
Fires explosive arrows or bolts
Breath of the DyingVex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + EthWeapons
6 sockets
50% chance to cast level 20 Poison Nova when you kill an enemy
+60% increased attack speed
+350-400% enhanced damage (varies)
+200% damage to undead
-25% target defense
+50 to attack rating
+50 to attack rating against undead
7% mana stolen per hit
12-15% life stolen per hit (varies)
Prevent monster heal
+30 to all attributes
+1 to light radius
Requirements -20%
Call to ArmsAmn + Ral + Mal + Ist + OhmWeapons
5 sockets
+1 to all skills
+40% increased attack speed
+250-290% enhanced damage (varies)
Adds 5-30 fire damage
7% life stolen per hit
+2-6 to Battle Command (varies)
+1-6 to Battle Orders (varies)
+1-4 to Battle Cry (varies)
Prevent monster heal
Replenish life +12
30% better chance of getting magic items
Chains of HonorDol + Um + Ber + IstBody armor
4 sockets
+2 to all skills
+200% damage to demons
+100% damage to undead
8% life stolen per hit
+70% enhanced defense
+20 to strength
Replenish life +7
All resistances +65
Damage reduced by 8%
25% better chance of getting magic items
ChaosFal + Ohm + UmClaws 3 sockets9% chance to cast level 11 Frozen Orb on striking
11% chance to cast level 9 Charged Bolt on striking
+35% increased attack speed
+290-340% enhanced damage (varies)
Adds 216-471 magic damage
25% chance of open wounds
+1 to Whirlwind
+10 to strength
+15 life after each demon kill
Crescent MoonShael + Um + TirAxes, swords, polearms
3 sockets
10% chance to cast level 17 Chain Lightning on striking
7% chance to cast level 13 Static Field on striking
+20% increased attack speed
+180-220% enhanced damage (varies)
Ignore the target’s defense
-35% to enemy lightning resistance
25% chance of open wounds
+9-11 magic absorb (varies)
+2 to mana after each kill
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 charges)
DeathHel + El + Vex + Ort + GulSwords, axes
5 sockets
100% chance to cast level 44 Chain Lightning when you die
25% chance to cast level 18 Glacial Spike on attack
+300-385% enhanced damage (varies)
20% bonus to attack rating
+50 to attack rating
Adds 1-50 lightning damage
7% mana stolen per hit
50% chance of crushing blow
0.5-49.5% deadly strike (based on character level)
+1 to light radius
Level 22 Blood Golem (15 charges)
Requirements -20%
DestructionVex + Lo + Ber + Jah + KoPolearms, swords
5 sockets
23% chance to cast level 12 Volcano on striking
5% chance to cast level 23 Molten Boulder on striking
100% chance to cast level 45 Meteor when you die
15% chance to cast level 22 Nova on attack
+350% enhanced damage
Ignore the target’s defense
Adds 100-180 magic damage
7% mana stolen per hit
20% chance of crushing blow
20% deadly strike
Prevent monster heal
+10 to dexterity
DeliriumLem + Ist + IoHelms
3 sockets
1% chance to cast level 50 Delirium when struck
6% chance to cast level 14 Mind Blast when struck
14% chance to cast level 13 Terror when struck
11% chance to cast level 18 Confuse on striking
+2 to all skills
+261 defense
+10 to vitality
50% extra gold from monsters
25% better chance of getting magic items
Level 17 Attract (60 charges)
DoomHel + Ohm + Um + Lo + ChamAxes, polearms, hammers
5 sockets
5% chance to cast level 18 Volcano on striking
Level 12 Holy Freeze aura when equipped
+2 to all skills
+45% increased attack speed
+330-370% enhanced damage (varies)
-(40-60)% to enemy cold resistance (varies)
20% deadly strike
25% chance of open wounds
Prevent monster heal
Freezes target +3
Requirements -20%
DragonSur + Lo + SolBody armor, shields
3 sockets
20% chance to cast level 18 Venom when struck
12% chance to cast level 15 Hydra on striking
Level 14 Holy Fire aura when equipped
+360 defense
+230 missile defense
+3-5 to all attributes (varies)
0.375-37.125 to strength (based on character level)
Increase maximum mana by 5% (body armor)
+50 to mana (shields)
+5% to maximum lightning resist
Damage reduced by 7
DreamIo + Jah + PulHelms, shields
3 sockets
10% chance to cast level 15 Confuse when struck
Level 15 Holy Shock aura when equipped
+20-30% faster hit recovery (varies)
+30% enhanced defense
+150-220 defense (varies)
+10 to vitality
Increase maximum life by 5% (helms)
+50 to life (shields)
0.625-61.875 to mana (based on character level)
All resistance +5-20 (varies)
12-25% better chance of getting magic items (varies)
DuressShael + Um + ThulBody armor
3 sockets
40% faster hit recover
+10-20% enhanced damage (varies)
Adds 37-133 cold damage (2 seconds)
15% chance of crushing blow
33% chance of open wounds
+150-200% enhanced defense (varies)
-20% slower stamina drain
Cold resist +45%
Lightning resist +15%
Fire resist +15%
Poison resist +15%
EdgeTir + Tal + AmnMissile weapons
3 sockets
Level 15 Thorns aura when equipped
+35% increased attack speed
+320-380% damage to demons (varies)
+280% damage to undead
+75 poison damage over 5 seconds
7% life stolen per hit
Prevent monster heal
+5-10 to all attributes (varies)
+2 to mana after each kill
Reduces all vendor prices by 15%
EnigmaJah + Ith + BerBody armor
3 sockets
+2 to all skills
+45% faster run/walk
+1 to Teleport
+750-775 defense (varies)
+0-75 to Strength (based on character level)
Increase maximum life by 5%
Damage reduced by 8%
+14 to life after each kill
15% damage taken goes to mana
+1-99% better chance of getting magic items (based on character level)
EnlightenmentPul + Ral + SolBody armor
3 sockets
5% chance to cast level 15 Blaze when struck
5% chance to cast level 15 Fire Ball on striking
+2 to Sorceress skill levels
+1 to Warmth
+30% enhanced defense
Fire resist +30%
Damage reduced by 7
EternityAmn + Ber + Ist + Sol + SurMelee weapons
5 sockets
+260-310% enhanced damage (varies)
+9 to minimum damage
7% life stolen per hit
20% chance of crushing blow
Hit blinds target
Slow target by 33%
Regenerate mana 16%
Replenish life +16
Cannot be frozen
30% better chance of getting magic items
Level 8 Revive (88 charges)
ExileVex + Ohm + Ist + DolPaladin shields
4 sockets
15% chance to cast level 5 Life Tap on striking
Level 13-16 Defiance aura when equipped (varies)
+2 to Paladin Offensive auras
+30% faster block rate
Freezes target
+220-260% enhanced defense (varies)
Replenish life +7
+5% maximum cold resist
+5% maximum fire resist
25% better chance of getting magic items
Repairs 1 durability in 4 seconds
FaithOhm + Jah + Lem + EldMissile weapons
4 sockets
Level 12-15 Fanaticism aura when equipped (varies)
+1-2 all skills (varies)
+330% enhanced damage
Ignore the target’s defense
300% bonus to attack rating
+75% damage to undead
+50 to attack rating against undead
+120 fire damage
All resistance +15
10% reanimate as Returned
75% extra gold from monsters
FamineFal + Ohm + Ort + JahAxes, hammers
4 sockets
+30% increased attack speed
+320-370% enhanced damage (varies)
Ignore the target’s defense
Adds 180-200 magic damage
Adds 50-200 fire damage
Adds 51-250 lightning damage
Adds 50-200 cold damage
12% life stolen per hit
Prevent monster heal
+10 to strength
FortitudeEl + Sol + Dol + LoWeapons
4 sockets
20% chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck
+25% faster cast rate
+300% enhanced damage
+9 minimum damage
+50 to attack rating
20% deadly strike
A hit causes the monster to flee 25%
+200% enhanced defense
+X to life (based on character level)
All resistances +25-30 (varies)
12% damage taken goes to mana
+1 to light radius

There’s almost everything about Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes and Runewords with upgrade Recipes. Discover Runes and learn about their effects on your gameplay to be the master. You can learn more D2R News at SSEGold.com!

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