Differences among FIFA 16 game versions
European Version North American Version Hong Kong Version ...
Guild Wars 2 Power Druid Guide for Dungeons and Fractals
This is my fist attempt to make an actual PvE guide for Guild Wars 2. I covered the Druild build which I am using for my daily Dungeons and Fractals runs in this video. Some insane damage and party bu ...
Aion Dungeon Guide: Aturam Sky Fortress
Aturam Sky Fortress is the first dungeon that you will encounter in the Aion new patch 3.0. These dungeons really badly hit and so many mobs on stealth which makes them hard to defeat and quite challe ...
Aion Daevanion Boots Quest Guide
This is the first quest in Aion. Though some of players think it is quite easy, in fact, it is not. But if you have Spiritmaster friends help you, it becomes quite easy.Accept the quest from Kahrun an ...
How to optimize graphics of Guild Wars 2
This is a guide to teach players for good graphics optimization for Guild Wars 2. In this guide, you can know how to render works, how to choose hardware and how to set your PC. Most of all, you can k ...
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns - Tempest Auramancer
Are you still looking for a super interesting, damaging and highly supportive Tempest Build in Heart of Thorns of Guild Wars 2?Just watch below video. I have been well tune this build based on my need ...
Aion Asmodian Leveling Guide: 6 - 10 (Anturoon Crossing)
This is the updated guide for Asmodian. Once arriving in town for the first time, first of all, you should grab all of the quests. The easiest way is to grind. To speed up, there are a few quests you ...
Aion Asmodian Leveling Guide: 5 - 6 (Munihele Forest)
According to my previous guide about Aion Asmodian, today I want to keep update for level 5-6. Though it is a little improvement, it needs great efforts.When reaching Munihele Forest, you should hand ...
Guild Wars 2 gameplay experience share
I have 2 alts and I do play Guild Wars casually. when I attend uni I'm not online. I can very well tell you in the time I play as a casual I've acquired 4 legendaries and maxed out 1 char in ASC gear. ...
SSE Top 10 goals of the week (3)
Here we’ve got TOP 10 GOALS of the week (3). Congratulations to all the winners and please come to us for the prize.By subscribing to our YouTube channel, you might have the chance to win 20K FIFA 16 ...
Heart of Thorns - Guild Wars 2 Experience Booster Guide
This is a brief guide to introduce a list of experience boosters when players try to use in Heart of Thorns to maximize the mastery gain and where to get them.When playing Heart of Thorns, players hav ...
Aion Asmodian Leveling Guide: 3 - 5 (Aldelle Village)
As I have written Aion Asmodian Leveling Guide: 1 - 3 (Starting Area)before, I want to update this guide.Follow the previous steps to reach level 3, and then go to Aldelle Village where your quest log ...